Statement by the Director-General on policy in the field of quality, environment, occupational health and safety, social responsibility
ROMPRIM S.A. focuses its activity on the requirements and expectations of its customers, the protection of the environment and natural resources, as well as the protection of life and health of the people working with or for us. To this end, we promote a policy of reducing the negative impacts of our activities on the environment and controlling occupational health and safety risks.
Convinced that the approach to quality, environmental protection, protection of life and health of people expresses attitudes, mentalities, culture, we have documented and implemented an integrated management system with standards as reference: SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, SR ISO 45001:2018, SA 8000:2014.
At the heart of our concerns lies the interest in the realization of quality products and services, in accordance with the requirements, realized in the context of protecting the health of employees and the safety of the environment.
The principles and strategic elements of our company’s “Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety and Social Responsibility Policy” are based on the concept of sustainable development, meeting the needs and expectations of our customers and all stakeholders, mainly:
- Meeting the needs and expectations of clients, associates and the local community;
- Ensuring appropriate measures and actions with social implications, aimed at improving working conditions, based on the principles of the human rights convention, and the responsible integration of the organisation into the social landscape in which it operates;
- Ensuring the conditions of infrastructure, working environment, technical monitoring and measuring equipment and, where appropriate, individual equipment, necessary for the realisation of products/services according to specified and implied requirements, compliance with legal, regulatory and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes;
- Establish appropriate communication and consultation methods to involve all personnel of the organisation in the maintenance and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, including by stimulating initiatives in the field;
- Protection of the environment and the rational use of natural resources;
- Compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements;
- Developing a sense of trust among both decision-makers within the organisation and employees;
- Further development of team spirit in order to increase self-confidence and stability of the workforce in the organisation;
- Obtaining a favourable image proven by high professionalism in solving all problems and optimal communication relations with customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Through the policy adopted in the above sense, we are constantly looking for ways to continuously improve the quality we offer, the working conditions and performance, the prevention of environmental pollution.
ROMPRIM S.A. management is committed to provide the necessary resources for the operation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.
We ensure the transparency of the integrated management system implemented in the organization, allowing the access of customers and control bodies in the working areas, for inspections and audits of quality, environment, health and safety at work, social responsibility.
In order to carry out this commitment, the organization’s management shall identify the methods and actions necessary for the implementation of all environmental protection and occupational health and safety programs, towards the application of all provisions contained in the Integrated Management System documents, applicable legal and regulatory requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
Our organisation’s policy on social responsibility is based on compliance with the requirements of national labour laws, international human rights standards, International Labour Organisation conventions, relevant industry standards, other requirements to which our organisation subscribes, international human rights standards and the requirements of the SA 8000:2014 standard. We aim in applying these requirements to consider the provision most favourable to workers, for the benefit of them and their families, their livelihoods and in the interests of their occupation.
Periodically, ROMPRIM S.A. management reviews the “Policy in the field of quality, environment, health and safety at work, social responsibility” and updates it continuously.
This commitment is displayed, disseminated and explained at periodic trainings, to be known by employees and other stakeholders.
Radu Lucianu